Padarth Vigyan (Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda and Quantum Mechanics)
We are happy to present the book Padartha Vijnanam (fundamental principles of ayurveda and quantum mechanics), which will be useful for the students of I professional Ayurvedcharya (BAMS) and post graduate students of Samhita and Siddhant as well as enthusiastic readers of Ayurveda. We have taken great care that all topics mentioned as per the new syllabus Board of Ayurveda, National commission for Indian system of medicineNew Delhi have been covered in this book.
Padartha Vijnanam is a unique and mandatory subject needed for learning the stream of Ayurveda. It is the combination of science and philosophy. One can say that the science and philosophy are the two sides of the same coin. Thus, Padartha Vijnanam is an essential base of Ayurveda education. When the foundation becomes strong building also becomes strong. Padartha Vijnanam not only provides the platform to understand Ayurveda better but it also helps the students to appreciate the moral values beneficiating them in developing the personality. There are two papers of 100 marks each Padartha Vijnanam paper I and paper II.
Padartha Vijnanam Paper I-described aboutAyurveda Nirupana, Padartha and Darshana Nirupana, Dravya Vijnaneeyam, Guna Vijnaneeyam, Karma Vijnaneeyam, Samanya Vijnaneeyam, Vishesha Vijnaneeyam, SamavayaVijnaneeyam and Abhava Vijnaneeyam.
Padartha Vijnanam Paper II-described about Pariksha, Aptopdesha Pramana, PratyakshaPramana, Anumana Pramana, Yukti Pramana,UpamanaPramana, Karya Karana Siddhanta.
Composition of this book-
1. The aim of writing this book is to compile and explain important references from Ayurveda Samhita, commentaries and Darshanain context to Padartha Vijnanam.
2. The complete syllabus estimated by Board of Ayurveda National Commission for Indian System of Medicine New Delhi (NCISM) is converted in this book.
3. Important questions are given at the end of chapter and Multiple-choice questions (MCQ) are given chapter wise at the end of book.
We hope that like all other text books published by Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, students will welcome this book also and hence we wish all them success in their journey of healthy life.
Prof. Shashirekha H K Prof. Bargale Sushant Sukumar
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